Thursday, 25 February 2016

First Process Video loaded up to You Tube!! - Rachel

I have just loaded up my first ever process video showing a mixed media canvas in a Finnabair/Angela Holt style.  This is an image of the finished version and you can find the video on YOUTUBE here

This is my second attempt at a Finnabair style canvas that I had seen on her BlogSpot and on Angela Holt’s YouTube channel.  I have linked the various sites below so you can take a look at them.  Angela has a couple of amazing videos showing this this style of process.

Aisha - Original Canvas

The original one I did was with a picture of my niece instead of a vintage lady, and I gave it to her for her birthday.  Her mum loved it so much she keeps it in the family room on display.  I took the picture in mum’s garden and got her posing for me until I had the angle of her face that I wanted.

The second one came about at my daughters baby shower.  I was showing some of the guests the original one I did of my niece and an aunt requested that I do a secret one for her daughter’s 18th birthday.  I was taking pictures at the baby shower anyway so it was no issue to take a few extra shots without her knowing what it was for.

The video shows the process from the orginal painting and gluing on elements to the finished product - hope you like it..

Link to Finnabair: Finnabair (AKA Anna Dabrowska) 

This is the link to the Angela Holt video that inspired me:-    and this is a similar video of hers which is also worth taking a look at  

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Gelli Print Hunting

You know what it's like, you trawl round the internet looking at other peoples' creations and if you are like me think 'I want to try that' and then endeavour to have a go.  That's how most of us learn to do things, you follow the many how to videos and tutorials, you study things and try to re-create them by trial and error and learn lots of different techniques along the way.  

Thats what happened to me when I saw a very talented artist called Lucy Brydon on Pinterest. Her work is amazing, very clever and beautiful.  (you can find the tutorial link here  and her blogspot here 

I found this Gelli print of hers which looked very complicated and I wanted to try out the technique just to see if I could do it.  I watched her tutorial and studied her print to try and see which layers went first, and cut out my own templates to use for the trees.

Art by Lucy Brydon : Gelli printing step by step tutorial!:

This is my attempt before the drawing accents. I used my lace mat for the background and my hand cut stencils for the trees, and i used bubble wrap for the ground area around the base of the trees. They do seem a little too symetrical though but i quite like it even so.

 I then scanned the image and used that to practice the drawing accents as I didnt want to ruin the original before having practised as my drawing is not very good.

Ahh well on to the next.....